Today we are making Norwegian Railway History – RailCOMPLETE is now capable of modeling tracks, switches, track vacancy detection sections, signal, via points and fictitious end points, and figures out the complex signaling system’s socalled interlocking tables by itself. These are detailed tables which describe the required state for switches and track sections in order to allow a certain train route or shunting route to be set and the corresponding signals be set to ‘clear’.
This far we have developed support for generating train routes, shunting routes, extended train routes and extended shunting routes. The RailCOMPLETE development team now aims at producing all 20 interlocking table types according to the Norwegian Bane NORs design guidelines “Veileder for forriglingstabeller”.
The interlocking tables may be generated from a schematic as well as from a geographic RailCOMPLETE model.
Below you will find a fictitious railway station. The corresponding interlocking tables may be downloaded here.