Norconsult first customer to use RailCOMPLETE®software

Engineer and founder Claus Feyling spotted early a strong need for a more cost-efficient and precise tool for railway infrastructure planning. The RailCOMPLETE® software is now
ready for use.

The very first customer is Norconsult AS, a leading railway consultant company with offices in Sandvika outside Oslo, Norway. Torkil Kind (Norconsult) comments that Norconsult is proud to be the first to use the RailCOMPLETE® software. Norconsult has already tested the software for some time, and it is their opinion that the use of RailCOMPLETE® reduces planning costs and increases planning accuracy. “The whole business idea of Norconsult is to deliver optimal quality to our railway customers’ planning and construction projects, and this is exactly where RailCOMPLETE® helps”, says Kind.

Claus Feyling, CEO of RailComplete AS, says that up till now, railway planning tools in general have been characterised by relatively low levels of automatisation and cost efficiency. The RailCOMPLETE® software automates many of the time-consuming and tedious tasks of preparing railway drawings, which mostly are carried out manually up till today.

The RailCOMPLETE® software, in its current version, turns data entry, editing and checking of huge amounts of railway objects into child’s play. Future versions of RailCOMPLETE® will encode engineering skills, which a fresh engineer would otherwise need a lifetime to acquire, thus enabling him or her to handle complex planning projects with reduced risk of leaving engineering errors in the design.

Today’s RailCOMPLETE® version has built-in export to leading capacity simulation programs and to 3D applications, as well as featuring a powerful table tool. With RailCOMPLETE® you can for instance track loading gauges in 2D for trains running through your model, thus helping you avoid placing of objects in the ruled-out zones during the construction stage. Time-consuming operations such as calculating object mileage referred to one specific track have been automated, as well as the calculation of collision areas in switches, known as the ‘fouling point’.


RailComplete AS

Railcomplete AS is the company that develops and markets the RailCOMPLETE® software. RailCOMPLETE® has been developed to ease the tasks that consultant companies traditionally do when planning a railway infrastructure project. Data are stored only once, with re-use and with ongoing refinement anq quality improvement during all stages of the planning and construction process. The use of RailCOMPLETE® not only reduces public spending on railway planning, increases planning accuracy and reduces the risk of late construction errors, but also increases data quality in the operational databases containing the railway objects after entry into operation.RailComplete AS will target the international market based on technology developed in Norway.The Railcomplete AS offices can be reached in Sandvika, outside Oslo, Norway


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