
RailCOMPLETE lets you define and visualize construction stage information for objects.

An object is initially defined as belonging to “all stages”, but this can be reduced to a single stage or be defined as a start-to-end time span. With RailCOMPLETE’s Stage Manager tool, you can display a ‘snapshot’ of a particular stage, or you can view multiple ‘snapshots’ to see a start-to-end time span. You can focus on only objects that are new to a stage, or focus on objects that are recovered towards a stage. You will easily spot a challenging possession period by showing everything that’s new and everything that’s recovered in a particular possession period – objects which are geographically overlaid means that something shall be removed and something shall be built in the same exact spot during a short interval of time.

RailCOMPLETE uses the CAD system’s layer mechanism to distribute objects to the various defined construction stages. This means that ordinary AutoCAD objects in data models that are not made with RailCOMPLETE can still be treated stage-wise in the same way as the RailCOMPLETE BIM objects. For example, cable ducts and man-holes can be designed with another data tool and stored on adequately named layers in a DWG file, then that model can be visualized in stages using the RailCOMPLETE Stage Manager tool.

All railway disciplines can visualize their own stage-wise building process with the stage manager tool. The more disciplines you refer to in a total model, the more stages will appear in the Stage Manager stage list.

The stages to be visualized can be set individually in each layout of the CAD drawing. This means that you can create a series of drawings (layouts) showing your project as it proceeds from stage to stage, even if all this BIM info is kept in just one single model DWG file.

The Stage Manager window

The illustrations below show how to switch between stages using RailCOMPLETE’s Stage Manager tools.

Stage 00.00 – existing infrastructure
Stage 10.00
Stage 20.00
Stage 40.00
Stage 50.00
Stage 60.00 – final infrastructure
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